Brand new character from total intellectual ability is lower than Goldman ideal, together with part of spiritual knowledge was greater

Hutsebaut, Dirk. 1980. “Site Figures in the Ethical Development.” Pp. 193-221 into the Into Moral and you can Spiritual Maturity, modified by Christiane Brusselmans. Morristown, N.J.: Silver Burdett Co.

Abstract: Four categories of a maximum of 272 Ss varying when you look at the decades away from 15 so you’re able to 72 yrs was in fact examined according to the dating between various areas of religion in addition to their number of ethical creativity (Kohlberg Ethical View Make sure Defining Circumstances Try)

Schlimpert, Charles Age. 1980. “The outcome out-of Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral Growth in the fresh new Parochial Second Class on Quantities of Ethical View and you will Dogmatism.” Thesis, College from South California.

Hoge, Dean R. and you may Gregory H. Petrillo. 1978. “Development of Spiritual Convinced inside the Adolescence: A test regarding Goldman’s Theories.” Diary on Scientific study out of Religion vol. 17, pp. 139-154. Abstract: Examined Roentgen. Goldman’s (1964, 1965) hypothesized things to own assisting or hindering growth of spiritual considering having fun with analysis out of 451 tenth graders for the suburban Catholic, Baptist, and you will Methodist churches. The new effect off religious education ranged generally round the denominations. Goldman’s idea one to a gap anywhere between tangible religious convinced and higher-level intellectual working various other section does produce faith rejection wasn’t offered; the outcomes, with the exception of the non-public college Catholics, was basically quite contrary–way more abstract spiritual convinced is actually of deeper getting rejected from doctrine therefore the chapel. [Source: PI]

Trevelyan, J. Ann. 1978. “The fresh Spiritual Measurement regarding Life While in the Puberty: An examination of the partnership ranging from Emotional Perspectives in the works out-of Erikson, Jung, Kohlberg and you can Tillich, and you may Medical Viewpoints in 2 Search Configurations.” Thesis, Harvard College or university.

Most other performance and numerous interpretations try said

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Gorman, ent within the Seventeen-Year-Old College students.”Religious Degree vol. 72, pp. 491-504. Abstract: Examined quantities of moral and you will believe development in fifty pupils during the social and private colleges, having fun with prepared interview and you will standardized programming measures considering functions by the L. Kohlberg and you can J. W. Fowler. Most youngsters have been on conformist, old-fashioned degrees of innovation. Innovation are significantly regarding cleverness but not to any from 6 market and you may experiential details. Subjective or “qualitative” analyses suggested one skills which have crises (such as death) in accordance with expanding up when you look at the an excellent socioeconomically varied area (because the in comparison which have an affluent suburb) increased amounts of moral and you can faith innovation. Lots of informative implications is taken from all of these studies. [Source: PI]

Peatling, John H. 1977. “Intellectual Creativity: Spiritual Considering in children, Young people and you will People.”Character Potential: Monitoring of Lookup vol. 8, pp. 100-115. Abstract: Tackles step 3 questions: (a) Really does intellectual advancement remain across the life time? (b) Are there stages in innovation? (c) Is many years-top class form feel predicted? The complete take to out of 10,648 Ss (Ca nine yrs to help you middle 50s) provided subsamples off erica and you will Finland. The dimensions, Religious Thought Full Conceptual, is derived from the brand new tool Considering the Bible. California class mode was tested getting extreme variations of the t try. Cross-attempt evaluations have been tested by the fitted ways to a theoretical logarithmic bend. Eventually, reviews were made because of the generational teams and by academic levels toward 6 bills produced from Considering the Bible. Results strongly recommend an enthusiastic affirmative means to fix most of the 3 questions. Around three levels of innovation appear in scholar examples. A 4th, significantly more abstract, height looks when you look at the adult products, and perhaps a fifth. New mean part of difference in noticed years height means and you will the latest logarithmic curve are 4.25%, which suggests predictive possibilities toward Religious Thought Complete Abstract measure. [Source: PI]

Stevens, Carey, Arthur Meters. Empty, and you will Greg Poushinsky. 1977. “Religion as a cause of Morality Research: A mix-Sectional Analysis out-of Elderly Kids, Young people, Middle-age and you can Seniors.” Diary out-of Mindset and you can Judaism vol. step 1, pp. 61-80. Conclusions advise that religious impacts connect with moral cause however, that it hinges on the kind of moral assessment utilized. Next, speculation in regards to the family away from morality in order to agnosticism and atheism try produced. [Source: PI]